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Don’t miss the chance to be named among the 100 companies building the American Dream. Past years awardees created jobs, entered new markets and implemented immersive workforce cultures.

Application is open from July 15, 2024 to January 31, 2025.

Reasons to apply

  • USPAACC’s prestigious Fast 50/100 Asian American Business Award publicly recognizes, showcases, and celebrates the nation’s fastest-growing Asian American businesses.
  • The competition is based on the percentage growth of annual revenue for Asian American businesses.

2023 Fast 100 Winner

Roy Yang
CEO, Giant Machines

2023 Fast 100 Winner

Tarandeep Bawa, President & CEO, ITegrity, Inc.


  • Ownership: Company owned and run by Asian American Citizens or Green card holders; Company headquarters need to be in the US. We are looking at their US earning (US Tax return 2022 – 2023)
  • Revenue: At least $1 million in gross annual revenue in 2022 and 2023 respectively. The 2023 gross revenue is more than the 2022 gross revenue.
  • Personal Appearance: The company President/CEO or senior leadership must be able to receive the award in person at CelebrASIAN Business + Procurement Conference in June 2025 in Washington, DC.

2024 Fast 100 Winners

Judging Process, Final Decision, and Result Announcement

The selection is determined based on the applicant/nominee’s gross revenue percentage growth rate from the past two years.

There will be two groups: product-focused company and service-focused company.

An applicant/nominee will compete in the group based on its business focus (product or service). Applicants/nominees will receive the results in March 2025, via direct emails/calls.

USPAACC will officially reveal the awardees to the public at the CelebrASIAN 2025 Bsiness Development Conference.

Frequently asked questions

How much does it cost to apply for the award?

No application fee or donation required.

Why do I need to provide my external CPA’s information and my revenue information?

The result of the Fast 100 Asian American Business is based on the percentage growth rate of your annual revenue. We request your CPA’s information to verify the gross revenue numbers provided by you.

Who will have access to my information?

USPAACC staff members who work on the award will have access to your information. We keep your information confidential in the process and afterward.

When will USPAACC inform me about the result?

We will inform applicants about their results via email and phone call in March 2025, so the awardees can plan their registration & trip to receive the award.

If our CEO/President cannot attend CelebrAsian Procurement + Business Conference, can my company still be ranked as Fast 100 Asian American Business?

CEO/President’s appearance is mandatory. If your CEO/ President cannot attend the event in person, please send executive(s) to represent them.

2023 Fast 100 Winner

Lien CuRitzer
CEO, Ritz Construction, Inc.